In-Patient Support
Beaumond House has a four bedded, nurse-led, in-patient unit. People can be admitted for a number of reasons.
Our nurse led in-patient services can provide care for patients who require symptom management and monitoring, additional care when needed, end of life care and for carer crisis and avoiding hospital admission.
Care is provided by our trained health care professionals who work in conjunction with the specialist palliative care team and other members of the Primary Care Team. Medical care is provided by the patient’s registered GP.
Our bedrooms are all different, have a comfortable, homely feel and include the required equipment and a nurse call system. Three of the rooms have en-suite toilet facilities.
When patients are admitted our nurse will discuss individual care needs, finding out preferences, likes and dislikes and agree a personalised plan of care. We also provide opportunities to discuss any future wishes about treatment or care in a safe, supported way

"Many, many, thanks for looking after mum so well during her short stay. She looked really well on her return home."
The NHS Friends and Family Test
Beaumond House Hospice Care want you to have the best possible experience of care.
The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review our service.