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Newark & Sherwood

01636 610556

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Writer's pictureBeaumond House

Important information about how we use the information we hold about you

New legislation on how we use your details means that to continue sending our newsletters and house/events news via email, we must have your permission to do so.

If we do not hear from you then sadly, we will be unable to use email as a way of sending you this information.

We would like to continue to tell you about all aspects of our work , if you would like us to continue to do so all you need to do is forward your preferences to


From time to time we may contact you about our fundraising initiatives and to invite you to remember loved ones with appeals such as Light up a Life. We also like to share information about the work we do so that you understand the important difference your support makes, and to tell you about upcoming events and share any new developments.

However, if you do not want to hear from us again, or would like to change the way we contact you then please let us know and we will respect your right to do so. Please note, in respect of Beaumond House Gift Aid participation, you may still receive legally required documentation from us.

We would like to use this opportunity to give you the chance to choose how and what we send to you. Please could you let us know how you would like us to communicate with you and at the same time make sure you know what you are interested in hearing as well as what you are interested to hear about.

You can indicate your preferences by highlighting your choices as below by copying and pasting on an email by clicking here or alternatively, you can call us on 01636 610556.

1. Yes, I would like the hospice to keep me up to date using the following method(s) of communication: (Please indicate all that apply):

a) By post

b) By email

c) By telephone

2. I am happy to receive all communications OR just ...

(Please indicate all that apply)

Newsletters – which will contain content such as: events, appeals and Beaumond House news

Invites to support appeals – such as Light up a life

3. No, I do not wish the hospice to communicate with me:

a) Under any circumstances

*Unless you are an active Gift Aid Donor as we have a legal obligation to correspond via post

b) Except, to acknowledge my donations

c) Except, to (please detail)

Thank you in advance for letting us know how you would like to hear from us and for helping us to care for 500 people every year across Newark and District.

If you have already contacted us about this, we really appreciate you letting us know and you don’t need to worry about contacting us again as we have already recorded your preferences.

You can change your communication preferences at any time by calling 01636 610556 or emailing here

Data Protection Statement

Your personal data is protected by UK legislation, specifically the Data Protection Act 1998.

Your details are held on our database and we will contact you from time to time to inform you about the work of the hospice and/or about fundraising initiatives. We promise that we will never pass on your details to any third party. If you wish to stop or adjust the frequency or type of communications you receive from Beaumond House, you can simply call us on 01636 610556 or email us at

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