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Newark & Sherwood

01636 610556

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COVID-19 Update from Beaumond House July 2020

Writer's picture: Beaumond HouseBeaumond House

July 2020

Thank you to all those people who support us in so many different ways, it helps the hospice to continue in providing personalised care for those at the end of life. Head of Clinical Services; Louise Sinclair gave an update on the hospice provision saying we are now experiencing lifting of restrictions and some of the services are changing and adapting in line with this.

Our in-patient unit has had restricted visiting since the beginning of the pandemic, and I am pleased to announce we are starting a cautious return to some routine visiting. There are visiting slots to help keep the process safe for everyone. We are asking visitors to ring in advance to book a visiting session. Visitors will be asked to wear a face covering during their visit in line with guidance and to maintain social distancing.

Despite us being unable to invite day patients to the hospice since pre lockdown we have been creative in finding ways to support people’s wellbeing. This service has developed from telephone support to the use of virtual sessions, recorded information to share, and doorstep drops of activity packs and cake.

Our bereavement support service will continue to be provided over the phone and this is available to the loved ones of those people we have cared for.

For those wishing to receive care in their own homes our Hospice at Home team are reintroducing some extended visits to complement the essential visits that have taken place throughout the pandemic. It is particularly important to us to help support carers who have had an absence of their usual support whether this be through extended family, community and church groups or friends and neighbours. The extended visits can help offer the carer time to rest or go out for a while and is provided in the day and at night to help keep patients where they preferred to be cared for.

We offer a heartfelt thankyou to the people who use the services and who had the courage and confidence in us to let us continue to care during the pandemic. To the team here for their dedication and to our supporters who make this all possible.

Despite the difficulties and challenges we are reaching those who need us through providing in-patient care and hospice at home for patients needing symptom control, extra care during the palliative phase, carer support and end of life care.

We are reaching out to those who usually attend day therapy to support them on the phone with advice and a friendly chat about how they are coping.

Fundraising and marketing manager Cathy Lowe said it costs more than £1m to run its services and Beaumond House needs to raise £640,000 this year from the local community.

Please contact the Hospice on 01636 610556, email us at

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