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Writer's pictureBeaumond House

A Place to Die – But Much, Much More: Mick Longmate

I have had it said to me many times that Beaumond House is a place to die. It is so much more than that.

I have been lucky enough to experience all aspects of this beautiful place and death is by no means a prominent feature. In fact, the reverse is true.

Day therapy is fun and laughter all the way with Lizzie and Anna (AKA Eva Cassidy) constantly finding ways to keep us entertained. Our minds are kept busy with a myriad of quizzes, crosswords etc and I am told that seated exercise is about to be introduced.

For the first time in my life I have dealt with ceramics, only Autumn leaves, but even Michelangelo had to start somewhere.

The kitchen provides us with a tasty and healthy light lunch, so I go home replete, happy and tired.

I am transported home by a volunteer, usually Will or Maria, who see me safely into my bungalow.

A place to die- I don’t think so

Hospice at Home. A group of amazing carers who saved me from utter despair. Before the visits from these ladies I was genuinely losing the will to live. So, with a lot of help from this band of angels I now look forward to each new day, especially Tuesdays and Thursdays when I get a home visit. I spend thousands of hours a year on my own and these ladies understand the meaning of loneliness.

Dark thoughts no longer cross my mind and my tears of sadness have turned to tears of joy.

Every carer has a different approach, but they all have the same heart of gold. One carer was so inspired by the Hospice at Home care which allowed her dad to stay in his chosen environment, that she joined the Beaumond House Team and is now a very valued member.

If it is your choice to pass away in your own bed, then they offer this service with dignity and care.

Hospice at Home is now my anchor in life’s ocean.

A place to die – only if you choose so.

‘In House’ is where if I am lucky, I will end my days safe in the arms of ladies who I know care for me dearly. I have been fortunate enough to have had three stays ‘in house’ and each one has helped me in some way. Attention to detail is second to none, but careful, thoughtful, and tender care is the overriding theme. The atmosphere is calm, serene, and joyful and although death is happening it is not apparent.

A team of cheerful carers led by a group of skilled and dedicated nurses see to your every need. In four individual bedrooms to give maximum privacy, respect and dignity to you and your family. The nursing staff have a wicked sense of humour that is absolutely necessary in their job, but with it goes deep and honest compassion.

Remember, all of these things happen despite Covid, an achievement in itself.

I have chosen Beaumond House to be my exit from this world because I cannot see a better alternative.

A place to die – I hope so but much, much more

All of this does not happen by accident. These are a team of dedicated professionals led by Louise who makes sure it happens safely and correctly.

All of the ancillary groups are essential to the smooth running of Beaumond House as are the volunteers

The atmosphere throughout this building is one of love and care grounded by thoroughness.

A place to die – a place to die for.

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