Did you know, there are several simple ways that you can support us by using eBay:
Sell items to raise funds for Beaumond House
Items that benefit charity may sell faster, even at a premium price. Donate 10% or more and your item will feature an attention-grabbing charity ribbon—it may even be listed in the Charity Shop. Plus, you reduce your seller fees and enjoy tax savings.
Download a selling for charity guide here.
Add us as a favourite charity
By selecting us as one of your favourite charities, it will make it more likely that you will be able to find sellers that support Beaumond House and you will be able to easily add a donation to any purchase that you make while at the checkout.
Donate when you check out
By having us as a favourite charity, when you are selling an item on eBay you can donate a portion of the sale to us. All you have to do is select us as the charity you would like a portion of the sales to be given to and then select the donation percentage you would like to give, which can be anywhere between 10-100%.
The percentage that you donate will also discount your listing and final value fees, so if you decide to donate 25% of the item sales, when the item sells you will get 25% off the eBay fees that you would have to pay.
