Anyone experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. high temperature, new continuous cough, loss of taste or smell) or living with anyone with these symptoms must not come to the Hospice.
Use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do.
Admissions to the in-patient unit
Each patient will be assessed individually. Testing, and visiting arrangements will be explained so this can be taken into consideration pre-admission.
Patients will be tested on admission, a lateral flow test initially followed by a PCR test at the first opportunity.
Guidance for visitors to Beaumond House Hospice
We are pleased to be able to welcome visitors into the hospice. Please help us to keep our patients, staff and volunteers safe during your visit by kindly adhering to the following measures.
Making an appointment
It helps the team to manage visiting safety if we know roughly when to expect you. Please call the hospice on the morning of your visit, or chat with the team if you know when you would next like to come, to arrange a suitable time. The time does not need to be exact and no need to worry if you are running late.
Restricting movement around the hospice
To help us keep risks of cross infection to a minimum, we ask visitors not to move around the hospice during your visit and use the nurse call system to let a staff member know when you would like to leave the bedroom, or if you would like to chat to a member of staff. If you would like a drink, the team are very happy to make this for you to bring to the bedroom.
Hand hygiene and face coverings
Hand hygiene is the best way to prevent the spread of infection. Please wash your hands on arrival to the hospice, and before leaving the bedroom. There are various hand gel stations around the building that we would encourage you to use in addition to this. Please wear a face mask (not face covering) around the building. This can be removed in the bedroom during your visit if the person you are visiting is happy for you to do so.
If you are poorly
Please do not visit the hospice if you are poorly, including symptoms of Covid 19 and vomiting and diarrhoea.
Number of visitors
We ask for a maximum of 3 people to visit at any one time. If you would like more people to visit (for example if it is a special occasion or if the person you are visiting is very poorly) this can be arranged with the nurse on duty. You are also welcome to use the outside area if you wish to. Children are allowed to visit.
Thank you for your support with these measures
Louise Sinclair
Head of Clinical Services