I will be be running the London marathon for Beaumond House as I would like to take on this challenge in memory of my Mum, Caroline Jordan who died in December 2020 from a brain tumor and who was supported in her last weeks by Beaumond House carers at her home.

I would like to raise as much money as possible through this event not only as a way of me personally remembering my Mum and all she gave to me. But also in deep gratitude and recognition of the amazing support she received from Beaumond House and in the hope that whatever money raised would contribute to other families and their loved ones receiving that same level of care and support in the future, that was of such great comfort to my family.
I'm personally really excited about the event, I feel it will be a very special London Marathon as we hopefully come out of the Covid 19 Pandemic that has changed our lives and restricted such activities for so long.
You can support Matt's fundraising here